Project Outcast

He dis­cov­ered the cure that saved thou­sands. But the truth might be the cor­rup­tion that breaks him

Dr. Aidan Cox, once hailed as the sav­ior of the Atlas Mis­sion gen­er­a­tion star­ships, devel­oped the cure that halt­ed a dead­ly viral out­break in its tracks. Thou­sands were saved, yet the shad­ows of those he couldn’t res­cue, includ­ing his own broth­er, weigh heav­i­ly on his soul.

But as relief wash­es over the sur­vivors, trou­bling rumors emerge. Griev­ing fam­i­lies have been denied access to their loved ones’ remains, and whis­pers of con­cealed truths stir unrest.

When a skep­ti­cal secu­ri­ty offi­cer casts doubt over Aidan’s work, the doctor’s quest for clar­i­ty plunges him deep­er into a web of deceit. As rev­e­la­tions threat­en to shat­ter his beliefs, can Aidan con­front the grue­some real­i­ty hid­den behind the guise of salvation?

Project Out­cast is the upcom­ing elec­tri­fy­ing pre­lude to A.C Louis’s Goliath Fall­en and the Sons of Endurance series. For fans of sus­pense­ful action, intri­cate con­spir­a­cies, and heroes who defy the odds, this pre­quel serves up an unmiss­able dose of inter­stel­lar intrigue that will grip your heart and not let go.

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