Goliath Fallen

A bru­tal trap among the stars. When the last refugees of Earth face anni­hi­la­tion, can they turn the tables on their hunters?

Rat­ing: 4.5 out of 5.

One hun­dred and fifty years in the future, on humankind’s one-way mis­sion to find a new home plan­et, Doc­tor Lucas Sund­berg unknow­ing­ly leads the ships into a dev­as­tat­ing attack. Iso­lat­ed in the after­math, he strug­gles for redemp­tion. So when he finds a father and daugh­ter still alive, the tor­ment­ed sci­en­tist vows to help extract them from the wreckage.

Wid­ow­er Nathan Clarke will do any­thing to keep the last of his fam­i­ly from being killed. After a year of hid­ing in a secret shel­ter, he jumps at the chance of sur­vival when his strong-mind­ed twelve-year-old, Izzy, uncov­ers a poten­tial life­line off the inter­stel­lar deathtrap.

Team­ing up with Lucas to get to an escape ves­sel, they learn they’re not as alone as they thought as hor­rif­ic crea­tures block their exit. But they will nev­er stop fight­ing to reach the one star­ship left unharmed even if it takes their final breath.

Goliath Fall­en is a nail-bit­ing sci­ence fic­tion thriller. If you like tor­ment­ed heroes, ter­ri­fy­ing odds, and bold acts of courage, then you’ll love A.C. Louis’s grip­ping tale.

What reviewers are saying…

I high­ly rec­om­mend this book. It’s an out-of-this-world, sci­ence-fic­tion thrill ride that’s hard to put down.

Scott Cahan, Read­ers’ Favorite

I whole­heart­ed­ly rec­om­mend Goliath Fall­en, it’s fun, it’s tense, and full of action, but it’s also a deep father and daugh­ter emo­tion­al story.

Isaac Mar­i­ano, author of Ter­mi­nal 01 and Ama­zon Sto­ry­teller finalist

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