
Goliath Fallen’s new website is live!

It was­n’t as easy as I ini­tial­ly thought, but it’s done! My lat­est nov­el, Goliath Fall­en, is live on its new, revamped web­site at As usu­al, I’ll be post­ing chap­ters as I write them (30 of them are avail­able for read­ing). I’m look­ing to update once a week, although I’m not sure yet which day.

I hope you drop by and don’t for­get to subscribe! 

If you’re inter­est­ed in the tech­ni­cal part of set­ting up the web­site, read on.

Long sto­ry short, I used to run my web­sites with Word­Press, but I found myself over­whelmed by its com­plex­i­ty, so I moved to Grav, a light­weight blog­ging plat­form. After a while, though, the same rea­son why I moved away from Word­Press end­ed up bit­ing me in the rear: 

Grav was maybe too lightweight. 

I start­ed miss­ing plu­g­ins real bad. Don’t get me wrong, Grav has its own plu­g­in sys­tem but it isn’t near­ly as mature and robust as Word­Press. I often had to go and code stuff so things looked and behaved as I want­ed, and with my time split between my full-time job and writ­ing my nov­el, sit­ting down to code a sub­scribe form for three hours was a lux­u­ry I could­n’t afford anymore.

And so here I am back on WordPress.

I’m pos­i­tive that the rea­son why I found it over­whelm­ing was I doing things the most com­plex way pos­si­ble. There’s a learn­ing curve to Word­Press, but once you get over it, every­thing just works.

And the best of all: no code needed!

I mean, I’ve had to add some CSS here and there and maybe tam­per the theme a bit, but aside from minor tweaks, every­thing is else foolproof.

One thing I’m dig­ging is the mul­ti-site fea­ture. Basi­cal­ly, you can have mul­ti­ple blogs on a sin­gle Word­Press instal­la­tion, called a “net­work.” It also comes with an admin inter­face to man­age your sites, and plu­g­ins and themes are installed at a net­work lev­el, so you don’t have to main­tain two sep­a­rate Word­Press blogs each one with its own set­tings, themes, plu­g­ins, etc.

In my case, my author web­site is the main one, while Goliath Fall­en is the sec­ondary. But what’s the best of it all? I can freak­ing use dif­fer­ent col­or themes for each one!

It might seem a sil­ly rea­son, but hey, brand­ing is a thing. 

I ❤️ you, Word­Press. Keep being awesome!

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